Daily Focus Planner - Notion


Our best-selling Daily Focus Planner is now an automated Notion tool.

This interactive tool is designed to be added to your personal dashboard, or used independently if you are a new Notion user.

Start a new day, plan for tomorrow, move incomplete tasks to tomorrow and seamlessly connect you daily planning with your projects in Notion.

The Daily Focus Planner is designed to help you

  • Prioritize urgent to-do's

  • Focus on what matters most today

  • Time block by the hour

  • Reduce productivity guilt

Your purchase includes email delivery of a PDF with duplication and integration instructions.

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Our best-selling Daily Focus Planner is now an automated Notion tool.

This interactive tool is designed to be added to your personal dashboard, or used independently if you are a new Notion user.

Start a new day, plan for tomorrow, move incomplete tasks to tomorrow and seamlessly connect you daily planning with your projects in Notion.

The Daily Focus Planner is designed to help you

  • Prioritize urgent to-do's

  • Focus on what matters most today

  • Time block by the hour

  • Reduce productivity guilt

Your purchase includes email delivery of a PDF with duplication and integration instructions.

Our best-selling Daily Focus Planner is now an automated Notion tool.

This interactive tool is designed to be added to your personal dashboard, or used independently if you are a new Notion user.

Start a new day, plan for tomorrow, move incomplete tasks to tomorrow and seamlessly connect you daily planning with your projects in Notion.

The Daily Focus Planner is designed to help you

  • Prioritize urgent to-do's

  • Focus on what matters most today

  • Time block by the hour

  • Reduce productivity guilt

Your purchase includes email delivery of a PDF with duplication and integration instructions.

Priority Planner - Notion
Daily Focus Pages
The Perfectionist's Guide To Taking Action on Creative Ideas (Audio Class)
Flow State Widget - Notion